Ephrata Community Pool
General Rules and Regulations

- All patrons must present a valid season pass or pay the daily admission rate for entrance to the pool. A “Member-Guest” may only enter with a member and must vacate when that member leaves the pool grounds. No guests are permitted during member only times.
- Proper Swimwear is required. ECP does not allow lingerie, jeans, thongs, immodest, or revealing swimwear.
- Obey the lifeguards and watch your children.
- Non-swimmers must be within an arm’s length of their guardian (Age 16 or older)
- No tobacco or vaporizer products while on pool grounds.
- ECP does not allow alcoholic beverages, non-prescription/non-OTC drugs, drug paraphernalia, or persons under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Visibly intoxicated persons will have to exit the ECP.
- Abusive, profane language or other inappropriate conduct will result in expulsion from the ECP.
- No glass containers permitted. Coolers must be under 24’’ length, or 18’’ height, or 16’’ width/depth and are not permitted outside the fence surrounding the ECP. Oversize coolers must be kept in the patrons’ vehicle.
- Children that are not toilet trained are required to wear specifically designed swim diapers and appropriate swimwear. Caretakers must provide their own diapers.
- No pets allowed within the pool complex unless classified as a service animal.
- Running, pushing, dunking, and any unsafe activities are strictly prohibited.
- A responsible individual, age 16 or over, must supervise children under the age of 12.
- Children under the age of 12 who wish to use the slides, aqua-climbing walls, and deep end of the pool must pass a swim test to obtain a wristband allowing usage.
- ONLY US Coast Guard approved personal flotation devices are permitted in the pool complex. No air inflated safety devices or floating rafts of any kind. Fins, kickboards, and snorkels are permitted in lap lanes only. Ball throwing is limited to aqua-balls. ECP prohibits the use of water guns, footballs, and tennis balls for the safety of all patrons. If you have an unregulated ball, you may trade your ball for an aqua-ball at the ticket office.
- Public address emergency messages only.
- Please leave valuables at home. ECP is not responsible for any lost or stolen items.
- Do not visit or engage in any unnecessary conversations with lifeguards while they are on duty.
- Pool staff reserves the right to make a request of patrons regarding issues not written explicitly in the rules. Please keep in mind that the staff has patron safety as the primary concern.
- To obtain recreational equipment (volleyball, kickball, etc.) a patron must provide a valid identification document.
- If the pool closes for more than 1 hour due to weather, the ECP will issue a weather pass for use on another day within the 2021 season. If the closing is after 5:00 pm, the pass will be for an after 5:00 admission.
- Individuals not adhering to the rules are subject to expulsion from the ECP and cancellation of their pool membership without refund. Disobeying pool staff will result in immediate ejection from the pool facility and the ECP reserves the right to revoke membership for repeated offenses.
AquaClimb Rules
- Obey all instructions given by the lifeguard on duty.
- Climbers must be 48" or taller and have passed the deep water swim test.
- Eyeglasses are prohibited.
- Swimwear with exposed zippers, buckles, rivets or metal ornamentation is not permitted.
- Climbers may not wear any type of floatation device including built-in floatation swimwear.
- Only one person may use each wall at a time.
- Climbers may not jump from the wall and must enter water feet first.
- Only one swimmer is permitted in the drop zone at a time.
- Adults may not help children.
- For safety reasons, pregnant women and persons with heart conditions or back problems should not climb the wall.
Waterslide Rules
- Obey all instructions given by the lifeguard on duty. Lifeguards have the authority to prevent any conditions which leads to unsafe operation of the waterslide.
- To use the slide, sliders must pass the deep water swim test.
- No diving, running, standing, kneeling, rotating, tumbling, or stopping in slide flumes.
- No traveling head first down slide.
- One person at a time. No grouping or forming chains.
- Must keep all parts of the body within the flume.
- After exiting from the slide, sliders must exit the roped area immediately.
Swim Test Procedures
To ensure the safety of all members, the Ephrata Community Pool requires a swim test for all children ages 11 and under. Upon successful completion, children may swim in the deep end of the main pool, use the competition pool without an adult, and use the waterslides and AquaClimb features.
The swim test will consist of the follow:
- Jump into water that is above the participants head and resurface.
- Swim 20 meters of proper front crawl with a rhythmic stroke and face in the water.
- Float on back for 20 seconds and then swim to safety and climb out of the pool.
- Tread water for 1 minute without touching the side or bottom of the pool.
- Swim tests will be administered at the discretion of pool management. Children will only be allowed 1 attempt to pass the swim test per day.
- Upon successful completion of the swim test, participants will receive a neon sticker for their membership card. Present your neon sticker at the admission desk to receive a disposable wristband upon entry of the facility.